MND’s Graham Opie Thinks Bob is Crazy!

Graham taking the ice bucket challenge.

Graham taking the ice bucket challenge.

As CEO of MND NSW our organisation is delighted to work with Bob and his team again. Bob has now ridden 2 massive rides for Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and now with more time on his hands he plans to ride from Darwin to Perth in support of people with MND and Huntington’s Disease.

Anyhow we are excited to continue supporting his fundraising endeavours. This time it is great to work alongside our friends from Huntington’s NSW. Two charity organisations working together….who would have thought?

As a fellow cyclist I think Bob’s more than a little crazy!




About MND

MND is a progressive neurological disease. People with a diagnosis of MND will become increasingly disabled. This is because the motor nerves gradually die causing the voluntary muscles to weaken and people progressively lose the ability to move their arms and legs, to speak and swallow and eventually,  – to even breathe.

Approximately 90% of people with MND have no known cause or history in their family. 10% are familial.

MND is a complex disease. The site of onset and patterns of weakness in MND vary from person to person. The rate of progression and survival time after diagnosis also varies significantly. The average life expectancy is two to three years from diagnosis. For the person who has MND death is typically due to respiratory failure as a result of weakened muscles. There is no cure for MND, yet! Current research shows some promising results but it is extremely slow going.


The Motor Neurone Disease Association of NSW (MND NSW)

 MND NSW receives approximately 85% of funding from donations, events and appeals. We could not survive and help MND sufferers without people like Bob. His efforts not only raise funds for people with MND they also raise awareness as he travels through some of the remotest areas of Australia. MND NSW provides equipment to all people with MND in NSW and the ACT – 5742 items were loaned over the past 2½ years. If people were to buy each item of equipment the cost would be over $6.2million.

Our Regional Advisors travel across NSW, the ACT and the Gold Coast helping people navigate the health, disability and community sectors, acting as a conduit drawing services in as neededMND NSW advocates for people with MND and for the MND community as a whole. We fund research – over $300,000 in the last 3 years and provide education and resources to families dealing with MND, health, community and disability professionals

All of our services and equipment are provided at no cost to people with MND their families and carers within NSW, ACT, the Gold Coast & the NT.

 To become part of Bob’s Darwin2Perth ride and to stay up to date with his “adventures” visit



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